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How to setup manual IP settings on a Lumicast Pixie player

Some networks or environments require static IP settings. This manual covers how to make the appropriate changes on a Lumicast Pixie player.


Some networks or environments require static IP settings. This manual covers how to make the appropriate changes on a Lumicast Pixie player.


  • A keyboard that connects via USB
  • Optionally a mouse that connects via USB
  • A Pixie player that is connected to internet via cable or Wi-Fi

The solution

Connect a keyboard

Connect a keyboard (and optionally a mouse) via USB to the Lumicast Pixie:

Notion image

Open the terminal

Press ctrl+alt+T at the same time - the terminal should open. If it doesn’t, press the Windows key on your keyboard and move your mouse to System Tools, then click LXTerminal.

Open NetworkManager

In the terminal, type the following command:

sudo nmtui

Setup a connection

Use your keyboard to navigate to ‘Edit a connection’

Notion image

Now select the network connection you need to add a static IP address for and press ENTER.

Notion image

Move down to the IPv4 configuration, and set it to “Manual”.

Notion image

Move over to the right and select “Show”.

Notion image

Now enter your static IP address and Gateway

Notion image

Select “OK”. Your new static IP configuration is now saved.

Notion image

Now go “Back” and “Quit” nmcli.

Restart your Pixie

In the terminal, type the following command to restart your Lumicast Pixie player:

sudo reboot

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