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SharePoint Birthdays app guide

Step-by-step guide on how to setup your SharePoint Birthdays app

With the SharePoint Birthdays app you can show current and upcoming birthdays of for example students or employees on your display.

Easily turn a simple SharePoint list into a good looking birthday list in Lumicast. The SharePoint list needs to have at least two columns: a name and a date.

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Creating a SharePoint Birthdays app

  1. Go to ‘Apps > App store’ or ‘Content > New > App’ and search for the SharePoint Birthdays app;
  1. Click on the app to start creating a new app. You will see the following screen:
Notion image
  1. Enter an app name, this can be anything you can recognize it by later;
  1. Setup an App Registration in Azure to let Lumicast access the SharePoint site. This is explained below.
  1. The Tenant ID and Client ID can be found on the overview page of the app registration.
    1. Notion image
  1. The site hostname is the unique name of your SharePoint environment. This can for example look like:
  1. The client secret is the value of the secret you created in step 4.
  1. If the details are correct, you should see your SharePoint lists in the “List name” dropdown field. Here you can select your birthdays list. It may take a few seconds for the list to load.
  1. In the Name and Date field, fill in the exact column names of the list.
  1. Finish the app by clicking ‘Create app

Setting up an App Registration in Azure

  1. Go to the Azure portal on
  1. Go to the Microsoft Entra ID service.
  1. Under the “Manage” section, click on “App registrations”.
    1. Notion image
  1. Click on “New registration”. Give the registration a name, for example “Lumicast connection”. The other settings can be left as they are by default.
    1. Notion image
  1. After creating the app registration, it needs to have permissions to read the SharePoint data. Go to the API permissions tab to do this.
    1. Notion image
  1. Click the “Add a permission” button and select “SharePoint”.
  1. Choose the “Application permissions” type.
  1. Select the “Sites.Read.All” permission and add this permission. This will allow Lumicast to only read the data from your SharePoint site.
    1. Notion image
  1. Add another permission and select “Microsoft Graph”.
  1. Choose the “Application permissions” type.
  1. Select the “Sites.Read.All” permission and add it.
    1. Notion image
  1. In order to activate the permissions, click on the “Grant admin consent for …” button.
    1. Notion image
  1. Go to the “Certificates & secrets” tab to create a secret key for Lumicast to access the Site data with.
    1. Notion image
  1. Click on “New client secret” and give it a name and an expiry data. Keep in mind that you will need to update the secret once it has expired.
  1. Store the secret in the “Value” field, because it will not be shown again.

Data update frequency

Lumicast checks your sharepoint data every minute. If you don’t see a new birthday that you just added, the reason could be that we have not picked it up yet. Please wait at least one minute.

All configuration options

App name
A recognizable (descriptive) name for you, which will show in your content library.
Tenant ID
The App Registration tenant ID, found on the overview page of your App Registration.
Site hostname
The hostname of your SharePoint site. This could for example look like
Client ID
The App Registration Client ID, found on the overview page of your App Registration.
Client Secret
The value of the secret within your App Registration.
SharePoint Site
The site that contains the list you want to use.
List name
The SharePoint list that contains birthday data.
Name field
The column name of the field that should be displayed as name.
Date field
The column name of the field that should be used for the birthdate.
The language of the month names.
Days to show in advance
Specified how many days in advance should a birthday be displayed on the display.
Color when it’s someone’s birthday
The background color of the row when a birthday is today.
Color when it’s not someone’s birthday
The background color of the row when a birthday is not today.
Color of the text
The color of the text within the rows.
Text to show when it’s someone’s birthday
The text to display in the row when it is someone’s birthday.
Text to show when there is no upcoming birthday
If there are no birthdays in the lookahead window, this text is shown.
Font family to use.
Background image
Specify a custom image to be displayed behind the birthday rows.
Hide background image
Completely hide the background image. Useful when for example using this app in a page.
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