With the Jira Open Issues app you can show the issues that are currently open per priority and status.

Getting a Jira API token
You will need an API token for your Jira environment. Follow the Jira documentation to create an API token:
All configuration options
Setting | Explanation | Required |
App name | A recognizable (descriptive) name for you, which will show in your content library. | Yes |
Jira URL | The URL of your Jira environment. Often something like <company>.atlassian.net | Yes |
Jira Email | The email of the account that created the API token | Yes |
Jira API Token | The API token that was generated for this app | Yes |
Client Secret | The value of the secret within your App Registration. | Yes |
Priorities | The priorities of issues from Jira you want to show in the app | Yes |
Statuses | The statuses of Jira tickets you want to show in the app | Yes |
Base Font Size | Allows scaling the font size. The app also resizes based on the font size you select | Yes |